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Does a new engine mean new mileage? Majorly, the reason why many drivers change their engines is due to high mileage. When an engine has served for decades, getting a new one can be an ideal thought, but it doesn’t have any effect on the car’s odometer.
As you drive a car, the mileage keeps accumulating, and it is reported by the odometer. The odometer isn’t connected to the engine; thus, getting a new engine won’t change its reading.
This is quite surprising, right? Well, there are pretty many things to know about new engines odometers.
What is an Odometer?
Put simply, an odometer is a device used to measure the mileage of vehicles. It is connected to the wheels – from where it gets its readings.
What shows on the odometer is the total number of miles a vehicle has traveled. From the odometer, you can tell if a car has been driven for too long.
A lot of people often get confused about the odometer and mileage. If you fall among such people, here’s the clarification. Mileage is simply the total number of miles a car had traveled, while an odometer is an electronic device that displays the information (mileage).
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Does a New Engine Mean New Mileage?
Don’t get confused, a new engine does not change your car’s mileage. The odometer – which is the device that does the reading – is not connected to the engine; hence, a new engine won’t affect any number on the device.
However, this does not dispute the fact that the odometer reading can be reset.
Practically, what happens when you get a new engine is that your car would drive more smoothly than it used to. The engine would generally have an impact on your car’s performance and not what’s showing on the odometer.
You may think that since the odometer is connected to the wheels, changing the wheels can reset the reading, right? Well, that’s not also true. If you change the car wheels, the odometer would resume its reading from where it stopped.
The only thing that would change the odometer reading is when you reset it manually, which is not advisable to do; a smart or experienced auto technician would know if you had reset a vehicle’s odometer reading.
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Does Getting a New Engine Reset The Mileage?
Since a new engine does not change odometer reading, it doesn’t also change the mileage of the said vehicle. So to say, a new engine does not mean new mileage. There is no component you would change to reset a car’s odometer reading.
What More?
When you want to sell your old car, the higher the mileage, the lower the value; getting a new engine won’t change that. But, a new engine is possible to increase (or in some cases stabilize) the old car’s value for resale.
Well, having a high mileage old car doesn’t mean you can’t sell it; people still buy high mileage vehicles that are well maintained and have verifiable documents. But in conclusion, getting a new engine won’t push your car’s mileage back to zero or lower the numbers.